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[[语言学天地]] 自己整理的经典口语翻译

tomat 该用户已被删除
发表于 2009-12-8 11:05:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Do sth. outdoorsy 野外活动
To cook up something 编造理由
Hand in glove 密切配合
In my face 咄咄逼人
Get it together 打起精神
With flying colors 非常出色
Far cry 天壤之别
That does it! 还是算了吧!
Shoot! 糟糕!
To push one's luck 得寸进尺
Keep it hush-hush 保密啊
Hothead 暴脾气
Chit chat 闲聊
Give someone the third degree 盘问
Don't have a cow 别着急
Out of juice 没电了
To learn the ropes 熟悉工作
Eat my dust 不是我的对手
My bad! 对不起
Get out of here 难以置信
Make a big stink 大吵大闹
Do a number 造成伤害
I'm down 我很乐意
What's -her-face 她叫什么来着
Goof around 不务正业
Trash talk 说别人坏话
Catch some zzzs 睡一觉
Come clean 坦白承认
Tips one's hand 露底牌
I wasn't born yesterday 我可不傻
People person 善交际的人
Have a ball 玩得开心
Eye candy 华而不实
To be canned 被解雇
Kick oneself 追悔莫及
I aced it!我做得很好
On thin ice 处境危险
Full of beans 精力充沛
Be on one's high horse 趾高气扬
Rat race 激烈的竞争
Turn tail 掉头逃跑
Take the bull by the horns 迎难而上
Button your lip 闭口不谈
Throw someone a bone 表面的恩赐
On a cloud 很高兴
Pain in the neck 讨厌的人
Kiss up 溜须拍马
Too hot to handle 棘手之事
To butter up someone 拍马屁
Sunday driver 开慢车
Foot in mouth disease 出言不当
The chips are down 糟糕的状况
A real snap 轻易的成功
Easy as pie 不费吹灰之力
Hang loose 轻松自如
Wet blanket 扫兴的家伙
Stag party 男性聚会
Kick back 其乐无穷
Paper pusher 摆弄文件的人
Rain or shine 风雨无阻
Money in the bank 稳操胜券
bite one's lip 保持沉默
Make a killing 大赚一笔
A hill of beans 一钱不值
To beat one's brains out 绞尽脑汁
To have a bone to pick 抱怨有理
Sweeten the pot 增加赌注
Free-for-all 一场混战
Inside story 内幕
Pub crawl 串酒吧一族
Loaded dice 暗中搞鬼
Love handles 腰间赘肉
Lose one's cool 失去冷静
Dirty pool 不正当手段
Sweet nothings 甜言蜜语
the real poop 可靠消息
a run for the money 竭尽全力
fish or cut bait 当机立断
money in the bank 稳赚
to clam up 嘴巴很紧
flea market 跳蚤市场
legal eagle 杰出律师
Talk of the town 街谈巷议
As hard as nails 难以相处
Tongue-lashing 狠狠训斥
In the pink 精力充沛
A slap on the back 祝贺一下
Double talk 含糊其辞
Bird-dog 严密监督
Wet behind the ears 乳臭未干
Not have a lick 没有一丁点儿
Shop talk 三句话不离本行
talk one's ear off 喋喋不休
Early bird 捷足先登
Bird-brain 没头脑的人
Shady deal 见不得人的勾当
Happy-go-lucky 随遇而安
Have a bear by the tail 骑虎难下
Happy camper 心满意足
Slap-happy 高兴得晕头转向
Straight arrow 宁折不弯
like clockwork 精确地;有规律地
hit the nail on the head 正中要害
Clean someone's clock 打得落花流水
A slip of the tongue说溜了嘴
To cry in one's beer 自我可怜
Blow one's own horn 自吹自擂
Cry baby 哭哭啼啼
All washed up 彻底完蛋
greenhorn 生手
Talk in circles 说话绕圈子
Hot potato 棘手的问题
a bolt out of the blue 晴天霹雳
Rain check 第二次机会
Eat crow 丢尽了脸面
work hand in glove 密切合作
The shoe is on the other foot 形势已经完全不同了
Carnival 嘉年华
Up the creek 进退两难
Behind the eight ball 凶多吉少
win/lose by a hair 差之毫厘谬以千里
give sb.the hook炒鱿鱼
get off my back别跟我唠叨
put on the back burner轻重缓急
on the fence墙头草
Hold the horses 不要急
Split hairs 斤斤计较
Beat the drum for 摇旗呐喊
Bark up the wrong tree 你找错人了
penny-pincher 吝啬鬼,守财奴
hair-raising 毛骨悚然
A stuffed shirt 摆架子
ghost town \"鬼城\"
To pull one's leg 不是拉后腿
take candy from a baby 唾手可得
free-wheeler 自作主张
\"啃老族\"NEET group
Left holding bag 背黑锅
不受欢迎的cold fish
Red-letter day 大喜的日子
小心背后有鬼 watch your back
stir up a hornet's nest 捅马蜂窝
Up in Annie's room 鬼才知道呢
love-rat 爱情骗子
the eleventh hour 最后时刻
to be led by the nose 牵着鼻子走
white lie 善意的谎言
blind date 相亲
pull carpet out 从脚下抽走地毯
fifth wheel 多余的人
backseat driver 指手画脚
Front money 头款、定金
Doggy bag 剩菜打包
wild card 百搭牌;外卡
lion's share 狮子那份儿
In the wind 听到什么风声
As American as apple pie 美国特色
lion and the mouse 小人物也起大作用
Fair shake 一视同仁
Under your nose 在眼皮底下
kill the clock 拖延战术
I couldn't care less. 我不在乎
push the envelope 挑战极限
Your name is mud. 声名狼藉
act one's age 别没大没小的
steal someone's thunder 居他人之功
potluck 家常便饭
eat one's hat 我就不姓王
get a foot in the door 迈出第一步
powder-puff 花拳绣腿
before one can say Jack Robinson 说时迟,那时快
birds of a feather 一丘之貉
nosey parker爱管闲事的八婆
Greek gift(s) 黄鼠狼给鸡拜年
about time someone did sth 早该如此
rob Peter to pay Paul 拆东墙补西墙
con & scam: 骗子、骗局与骗术
out of thin air 凭空;无中生有
come hat in hand 乞求施舍
sandwich generation 三明治的一代
to keep one's shirt on 别紧张
have a tiger by the tail 骑虎难下
nothing to write home about 无足挂齿
No sweat 轻而易举
chew the fat/shoot the breeze 侃大山
my cup of tea 我的那杯茶
turn back the clock 时光倒转
a flash in the pan 昙花一现
Ants in one's pants 热锅上的蚂蚁
To rub elbows 交朋友
put on the dog 摆排场
not all there脑子不正常
Basket case 没戏了
Over one's head 太难了
Top gun 最好的
Rock the boat 找麻烦
Cold shoulder 冷遇
hit on 献殷勤
Hot air 夸夸其谈
To bet one's bottom dollar 愿赌服输
Easy money 好赚的钱
Catch you later 再会
You bet 当然
Loose cannon:无视规矩的人
Get through 渡过难关
Go places 有成就
Knock it off! 住手!
Way to go! 加油!
What's eating you? 不开心
Shake a leg: 赶快
Kick ass:了不起
Wearing two hats 身兼两职
Crush 当名词也可指暗恋的人,即\"梦中情人\"
Freaking cold day! 冻死啦!
picture time!照相了
Rip off美国俚语“敲竹杠”

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