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 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-14 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层

Patti Waldmeir: Dark side of the American dream
By Patti Waldmeir
Published: November 23 2003 16:06 | Last Updated: November 23 2003 16:06

I went to Wal-Mart the other day to gaze on the dark side of the American dream - and I came home with Christmas lights. Frugality got the better of my philosophy. I went to the store, at the crack of a November dawn, determined to feel the pain of the Wal-Mart workforce, which - if lawsuits are any guide - are held in a peculiarly American form of serfdom.

Allegedly underpaid, overworked, under-insured and unfairly promoted, Wal-Mart workers have been thrust into the centre of a very old argument about how America makes its money.

Is it right to exploit the labour of immigrants willing to risk penury as a stepping-stone to a prosperity that may never materialise? Is that just the way capitalism works: survival of the cheapest?

Or have we moved beyond that state of nature, to a world where immigrants are people too, and deserve a union wage? Wal-Mart has suddenly become a lightning-rod for a new national debate about justice and capitalism.

But as soon as I entered the vast car park of the local Wal-Mart, and walked through its oversized door, I forgot there was a cultural debate waging around what Business Week calls the "Beast of Bentonville" (after Wal-Mart's backwaters headquarters in Arkansas).

I noticed the apparently weary immigrant staff (and the equally weary immigrant clientele) but what really caught my eye was the full- sized toy kitchen for less than $30 (

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 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-14 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层

Patti Waldmeir: Dark side of the American dream
By Patti Waldmeir
Published: November 23 2003 16:06 | Last Updated: November 23 2003 16:06

I went to Wal-Mart the other day to gaze on the dark side of the American dream - and I came home with Christmas lights. Frugality got the better of my philosophy. I went to the store, at the crack of a November dawn, determined to feel the pain of the Wal-Mart workforce, which - if lawsuits are any guide - are held in a peculiarly American form of serfdom.

Allegedly underpaid, overworked, under-insured and unfairly promoted, Wal-Mart workers have been thrust into the centre of a very old argument about how America makes its money.

Is it right to exploit the labour of immigrants willing to risk penury as a stepping-stone to a prosperity that may never materialise? Is that just the way capitalism works: survival of the cheapest?

Or have we moved beyond that state of nature, to a world where immigrants are people too, and deserve a union wage? Wal-Mart has suddenly become a lightning-rod for a new national debate about justice and capitalism.

But as soon as I entered the vast car park of the local Wal-Mart, and walked through its oversized door, I forgot there was a cultural debate waging around what Business Week calls the "Beast of Bentonville" (after Wal-Mart's backwaters headquarters in Arkansas).

I noticed the apparently weary immigrant staff (and the equally weary immigrant clientele) but what really caught my eye was the full- sized toy kitchen for less than $30 (

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 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-14 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
11 月24 日每日英语--1日元创办一家新公司? Set up a new company for a yen?

11 月24 日
1日元创办一家新公司? Set up a new company for a yen?

9个月前,日本政府将1日元开公司成为可能。在日本,1日元 只够买根口香糖。
Nine months ago the Japanese government made it possible to set up a new company with just one yen - the price of a stick of chewing gum.

A lack of business innovation has long been recognised as one of the structural weaknesses behind the lacklustre economic performance of one of the world's most expensive countries.

在全球创业观察(Global Entrepreneurship Monitor,简称 GEM)对37个国家的创业和经济发展所做的研究报告中,日本排名垫底。
Research by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, a 37-country study of start-up business activity and economic growth, put Japan at the bottom of the league.

Just 2 per cent of the population were involved in starting a new business or owning a business less than 42 months old. In China the figure was 12 per cent, in Korea 14 per cent and in Thailand 18 per cent.

Hence the one-yen initiative, which is part of a drive to foster entrepreneurial activity under which the Japanese government has committed itself to doubling the number of enterprises established each year to 360,000 by 2006.

However, since February only 268 applications have been received under the new rules and just 178 one-yen companies have actually been set up.

While new business formation has risen by 8 per cent year-on-year in 2003 after two years of decline, according to the Ministry of Justice, which monitors legal incorporations, it is still well below the levels previously seen in Japan and still stands significantly below international averages.

Instead, the country remains trapped in the worst of all possible worlds - not only does it not have very many entrepreneurs in the first place, but those few it does possess are being stunted by a lack of financing channels and a cultural aversion to risk-taking.

Part of the reason for this state of affairs is that attitudes towards entrepreneurs in Japan seem to differ from the rest of the world.

When, for example, a sample of US citizens was asked if entrepreneurs were socially valuable, 91 per cent said yes. Just 8 per cent of Japanese respondents agreed with them.

Figures from the Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications reflect this trend. Over the last 20 years the number of would-be entrepeneurs in Japan has been over 1m annually, but the number of actual start-ups has declined from an average of 66 per cent to 31 per cent over the same period.

The numbers tell a depressing story. Despite the government's moves to foster young companies, the country's efforts to create an environment that encourages new businesses are being outpaced by its Asian regional rivals.

Japan's apparent lack of capitalist endeavour also has much to do with the lack of a mature financing market.

日本经济产业省提供的一组数据最为生动地说明了这个问题。美国大约有40万名“天使”投资人准备为新公司提供资金,而日本只有1500人。美国风险企业中心(US Venture Enterprise Centre) 的数据显示,2001年,日本股 票形式的风险资本投资约为1.02万亿日元(合93.4亿美元),比美国少30倍。
The most dramatic illustration of this is the fact that there are around 400,000 "angel" investors prepared to finance start-up companies in the US compared to just 1,500 in Japan, according to the Ministry of the Economy, Trade and Investment. Venture capital investment in Japan in 2001 on a stock basis was around Y1,020bn ($9.34bn) - 30 times less than in the US - according to the US Venture Enterprise Centre.

An economy ministry survey of creative entrepreneurial activity revealed that 62 per cent of enterprises said raising funds was the main challenge when trying to start up a business, and 80 per cent were forced to use their own capital.

在日本,创办公司的成本也比较高。一家支持中小企业的政府机构—国民生活公库(National Life Finance Corporation) 对新公司所做的调查显示,在美国,创业资 金等于或低于2万美元的新公司占58%,而日本只有25%的新公司以低于4.5日元的资金起家。同时,据日本银行称,自1994年以来,在各大银行,区域性银行,信用社和政府金融机构中,金融机构对中小企业发放的贷款有所下降。这主要是因为中小企业存在不良贷款问题。
Start-up costs are also high. A survey of new companies by the National Life Finance Corporation - a government agency which supports small and medium-sized businesses - revealed that 58 per cent of start-ups in the US used $20,000 or less, while in Japan only 25 per cent started with less than Y45,000. At the same time, according to the Bank of Japan, lending by financial institutions to small and medium enterprises has been falling since 1994 at large banks, regional banks, credit associations and government financial institutions, mainly as a result of their non-performing loan problems.

In response, the government has taken action to try and fill the gap created by the financial institutions, but the numbers are small.

成立于2000年的日本小企业金融公司(The Japan Finance Corporation for Small Business),目前已提供了总额高达 3亿美元的802项贷款。日本商工中金银行(Shoko Chukin Bank) 也为310家新公司提供了总计2800万美元的无抵 押贷款。
The Japan Finance Corporation for Small Business - which was established in 2000 - has provided 802 loans which amount to $300m, and the Shoko Chukin bank has offered zero collateral loans to 310 start-ups totalling $28m.

The Japanese government has recognised that the country's lack of entrepreneurial activity is a significant problem and has taken action to try and solve it.

但正如伟大的英国经济学家约翰•梅纳德•凯恩斯(John Maynard Keynes)所说的那样:“发展新观念并不太困难 ,难的是如何摆脱旧观念。”
But as the great British economist John Maynard Keynes put it: "The difficulty lies not in the new ideas, but in escaping from the old ones." xref Japanese exports up,

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 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-14 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
11 月21 日每日英语--中国必须适应新角色 China must adapt

11 月21 日
中国必须适应新角色 China must adapt

Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them. By virtue of its size, economic achievements and openness to the world economy, China falls into all three categories. It is huge, has managed extraordinary growth for over two decades and has a global impact. Managing the rise of Asia's giant has become an imperative of our era.

Precedents are not encouraging: a rising power emerges; incumbent powers challenge the newcomer; suspicion grows and conflict breaks out. Thucydides wrote about one such calamity: the Peloponnesian war between Sparta and Athens in the fifth century BC. In the 20th century, conflicts between challengers and incumbents created two world wars and a cold war. At the end of a century of struggle, the US, an upstart in the 19th century, has turned into the "hyperpower" of the early 21st. Now the US confronts potentially the biggest rival of all: a newcomer with more than four times its population.

Fortunately, armed conflict between the US and a rising China hardly seems a serious danger. The spectre of nuclear weapons, the conventional military strength of the US, a common interest in combating Islamist terrorism and, most important, a shared desire for prosperity should suffice to guard against such insanity.

Yet open conflict is not the only risk. The rise of the US had devastating consequences for the liberal economic order of the late 19th century. The outpouring of cheap grain in the 1870s led to the agricultural protectionism in Europe whose contemporary manifestation is the common agricultural policy. US trade policies undermined the British commitment to unilateral free trade. US macroeconomic instability destroyed the gold standard. Without the great depression, there would have been no Hitler and no Tojo.

China is for labour-intensive manufactures what the Americas were for grain: a competitive new supplier with nigh-inexhaustible potential. It is on the brink of surpassing Japan as a trading power and, within a decade, will match the US and the European Union. It is a low-inflation country, with soaring productivity and foreign currency reserves that have reached $380bn, the world's second largest after Japan's. It is already accused of spreading deflation worldwide.

Today, fortunately, a symbiotic relationship exists between China and the US. The latter spends, while the former lends. The US pursues aggressive monetary easing, while China curbs US inflation. Both sides obtain what they want: Americans spend more than they earn; China enjoys the security of its reserves. But this marriage of convenience contains the seed of a bitter divorce: the growing bilateral US trade deficit with China is open to populist exploitation, while the US current account deficit makes the world's key currency vulnerable to an inflationary collapse.

Even if the worst does not happen, two points are clear: China must take full account of the global repercussions of its policies and its progress; China also needs to be given joint responsibility for the evolution of the world economy. Fortunately, the world possesses an institutional framework within which to accommodate new powers, something lacking a century ago. For that great achievement, the US deserves credit, even if it now finds the resulting constraints irksome.

中国是一个西方阵营以外的发展中大国,由对民主和人权概念持抵制态度的共产党统治。在处理仍然是西方主导的世界经济事务中,并不是一个天然的参与者。没有中国的参与,七国集团发现其重要性在日益减弱。七国集团包括了美国、日本、德国、法国、英国、意大利和加拿大在内的央行行长和财政部长。而“Quad”集团---- 一个由美国、欧盟、日本和加拿大贸易部长组成的非正式集团,甚至更显荒唐。中国可能还不是成熟的金融强国,因为其货币尚不能自由兑换,但是,中国已经是一个贸易强国。
China, a huge, non-western developing country, ruled by a communist party resistant to notions of democracy and human rights, is far from a natural participant in managing what remains a western-dominated world economy. Yet the Group of Seven, which includes the finance ministers and central bank governors of the US, Japan, Germany, France, the UK, Italy and Canada, will find itself increasingly irrelevant without full Chinese participation. The "Quad", an informal grouping of the trade ministers of the US, the EU, Japan and Canada, will be even more absurd. China may not yet be a fully fledged financial power, since it lacks a convertible currency, but it is already a huge trading entity.

The Chinese government will, naturally, resist changing any aspects of its outstandingly successful strategy. But the path of rapid export growth, built on what seems an undervalued real exchange rate and consequent rapid accumulation of foreign currency reserves, is bound to upset important economic partners. It also builds a mountain of low-return US government liabilities and makes domestic monetary control difficult. How then should China reassess its priorities within the global economic system?

First, it should consider a rapid move towards free trade, at least in manufactures. Already its average weighted tariff on manufactures is down to 7 per cent. As the world's most competitive entrant into manufacturing and a magnet for foreign direct investment, it can afford to open its market to the products of the world. This would help give a big boost to non-discriminatory, liberal trade, on which its growth depends; it would help disarm protectionist resistance against its exports; and it would even increase relative protection in its own socially sensitive agricultural sector. Committed to free trade in manufactures, China could play a decisive role in relaunching the Doha round.

Second, the accumulation of foreign currency reserves presents an opportunity for China to accelerate its move towards exchange rate flexibility, financial liberalisation and a convertible currency. It cannot make sense for a country burdened by vast poverty to make open-ended investments in the world's richest country. Worse, it receives its beneficiary's resentment in return. Worse still, it postpones needed global macroeconomic adjustments. Changes in policy do not need to be made overnight. But consideration of how they are to be executed needs to be an urgent priority.

All transitions in relative economic importance are difficult. China's rise will rival in significance the arrival of the US itself on the world scene. For many decades, a humiliated China indulged in the politics of resentment. Under Deng Xiaoping, it turned to renewal. By the end of the last century, China had come to bear global responsibilities. Greatness has now come to China. The future of the world economy depends on how both China and the incumbent powers adapt to their new roles.

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 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-14 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
11 月20 日每日英语--CEO怎能同体育明星比? Athletes carry our dreams as no chief executive ever will

11 月20 日
CEO怎能同体育明星比? Athletes carry our dreams as no chief executive ever will

启程前往澳洲参加橄榄球世界杯赛之前,南非队队员都必须参加一个为时三天的训练营。在那里,训练者要求队员脱得一丝不挂,跳进冰冷的湖中,在水下给橄榄球打气。有些运动员熬不住想出来,其中包括队长考恩•克瑞奇(Corne Krige),但训练者用枪逼着他们下水。
Before leaving for the Rugby World Cup in Australia, the South African team were ordered to attend a three-day training camp. There they were told to strip naked, jump into a freezing lake and pump up rugby balls underwater. Players who tried to climb out, including Corne Krige, the captain, were forced back at gunpoint.

根据《约翰内斯堡星期日时报》(Johannesburg Sunday Times)的报道,训练者还让队员裸体挤进一个洞里,用“天佑吾皇”的歌声,用新西兰赛前的战斗口号“哈卡”来捉弄他们。最后,他们总算获准去睡觉了。但每隔15分钟,就有枪声把他们惊醒。
The players, the Johannesburg Sunday Times reported, were also crammed naked into a hole, where they were taunted with renditions of "God Save the Queen" and the Haka, the New Zealand pre-match war cry. When they were finally permitted to sleep, they were woken every 15 minutes by gunfire.

Business leaders who ask why no one objects to how much top athletes earn should remember that few company Outward Bound courses require participants to strip, and that the headline "Chief executive under fire" is usually metaphorical.

Moaning about sports stars' earnings, as well as those of pop singers and television celebrities, was once the preserve of British chief executives. When, about 15 years ago, top UK executives starting earning more than

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 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-14 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
11 月19 日每日英语--公开的秘密送花人 Lucy Kellaway: A not-so-secret admirer

11 月19 日
公开的秘密送花人 Lucy Kellaway: A not-so-secret admirer

今天上午一上班,我第一件事就是给Interflora花店打电话,订了两束花,一束送给《金融时报》总编辑安德鲁•高尔斯(Andrew Gowers), 另一束送给坐在我隔壁的同事黛乐•布莱德肖(Della Bradshaw)。
The first thing I did when I got to work this morning was phone Interflora and order two bunches of flowers. One was for Andrew Gowers, the editor of the Financial Times, and one for Della Bradshaw, a colleague who sits in the next cubicle.

I dictated a message of thanks to each for their hard work, but asked for my name to be left off the card. I paid an extra ?0 to ensure the flowers would arrive within three hours.

在我急切地等待送花之时,我想解释一下我到底是在玩什么花招。这种秘密献花的主意来自新泽西州托托华(Totowa)的一位读者。肯尼•莫尔(Kenny Moore)是美国能源公司Keyspan的人力资源总监。其个人经历也颇不寻常,他曾在天主教会当过15年的牧师。他告诉我说,他在工作中“负责唤醒公司的喜乐、意义和承诺意识。”
As I sit here now anxiously waiting for the delivery, I shall try to explain what on earth I think I am playing at. The idea for these mystery floral tributes came from a reader in Totowa, New Jersey. Kenny Moore is director of human resources at Keyspan, a US energy company, and is a little unusual. He spent 15 years as a Catholic priest and told me that in his job he is "responsible for awakening joy, meaning and commitment in the company".

我在工作中总能收到不少怪人发来的邮件。肯尼也算一怪,但是他基本上是属于脑筋正常的那种。他说他没有时间拜读诸如汤姆•彼得斯(Tom Peters)、杰克•韦尔奇(Jack Welch)之类人物的大作,也没有时间去推动制定使命宣言、实施文化变革、提高员工士气之类的企业行动。这话出自一位人力资源总监之口,不可谓不正常啊。
In my job I get a lot of e-mails from nutters. Kenny, though odd, struck me as being basically of sound mind. He said he had no time for Tom Peters, Jack Welch or for any corporate attempts to issue mission statements, change culture or raise morale en masse - which coming from a corporate HR person is very sound indeed.

Instead, he drew inspiration from a children's book called Somebody Loves You, Mr Hatch. In this book a lonely man gets sent a gift with the label "somebody loves you". He starts greeting strangers, hoping to meet the admirer. He undergoes a personality change, and all his neighbours start to love him. It then turns out that the present was delivered to him by mistake, and Mr Hatch tries to go back into his shell. But the neighbours will not let him.

The corporate lessons of this cheery tale are not immediately obvious to me, but to Kenny they were. He decided to conduct a Mr Hatch pilot in his company without asking anyone - on the admirable principle that it is easier to ask forgiveness than permission.

He sent out two bunches of flowers, one to a woman on his floor and one to his senior vice-president. "While I personally hate anyone in authority, I notice that no one ever says 'thank you' to executives," he said. I agreed with that bit, too.

After he ordered the flowers he felt, as I do now, strangely uncomfortable. Yet he need not have feared. The woman was delighted, though mystified, and other women gathered round her desk and oohed and aahed.

A couple of days later he went to own up to the SVP, but before he could say anything, his boss said he had just received a bunch of flowers from a grateful employee, and that as a result he was going to spend his last few years until retirement concentrating more on the needs of individual employees.

As I write about the heartening results of Kenny's pilot, Della has just taken the call telling her there are flowers waiting for her in reception. I watch as she returns carrying them; she's smiling but her expression is puzzled. Her face falls slightly as she reads the message. "It says: 'Thanks for your hard work', but it's not signed. This makes me feel really paranoid," she says.

"That's really sinister!" exclaims the person who sits next to her. "Christ, you've got a stalker," says someone else.

Like a true journalist, she snatches up the phone to call the florist. I try to bury my whole body into my computer keyboard. Mercifully the florist says she cannot reveal the name of the sender.

"The editor has got one too," Della says. "It's so weird."

The consensus is that this is some daft PR stunt and everyone loses interest. It does not occur to anyone that some genuine well-wisher would really be thanking her for her genuine hard work. "I mean, why would they do that?" she says.

I go downstairs to see if I can find out how my floral tribute is playing with the editor. He has just stepped off an overnight flight from Washington and is writing up an interview with the president of the US. I peep though the glass hole in his door. I can't see if the flowers are in there or not. Suddenly I know they are not going to interest him at all. They are certainly not going to make him decide he wants to spend more time with us individually (not that I would necessarily advocate such a course of action).

After the success of his pilot, Kenny has been secretly sending flowers out every week. He says he has not succeeded in changing corporate culture. But his little scheme makes him happy on Mondays. It also makes the guy from the shop who supplies the flowers happy, makes two people feel good each week and causes a good deal of pleasant bemusement.

After the failure of my pilot, I shall not be extending it. It did not work. I suspect this is because it is only nice to be thanked if you know (and value) the person who is thanking you. I don't think Kenny would be surprised or hurt to learn this. He says, and here he is right, that small-scale initiatives cannot be copied. They may work in one place but, if you translate them, the magic may be lost. People should think up their own things, anyway.

So that was partly where I went wrong. There is a second reason why my experiment was a flop. I said earlier that I sent two "bunches". In truth I sent two pathetic, bottom-of-the-range single antirrhinums that had an unfortunately phallic appearance. There was a reason for this, too. I was treating my pilot as a business expense, which I shall be claiming on the grounds that a) they were legit research for an article; and b) I think Kenny claims his. It wasn't a great idea. But at least I did not cost the FT too much money.

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